Monday 7 December 2015

Soft Skills.....

Why are soft skills important?

Research has revealed that private school graduates earn significantly more than those who attended state schools. Half of this has been attributed to the reputation of the schools and their academics; however the other half seems to be down to something we have a tendency to take for granted – soft skills.These include leadership, interpersonal skills, critical thinking, problem solving, and many more. According to this brief, soft skills play a huge role in the salary you will end up earning and it is imperative to have as many as possible. We have assembled a few of the most important.

Personal development

It can seem obvious that you should develop as a person, however developing as a person and developing as an employee are two quite different things. By taking on new challenges, building new partnerships, and getting your teeth into collaborations you will pick up on the fresh things you are exposed to each day and they will help you grow.

Time management

This one can appear to be obvious but it is astounding how often people manage their time badly without even realising. Take a look at the way you do things like studying, cleaning, or just planning out your day. Are you taking full advantage of your time and being as effective as possible or are there blocks of time that just seem to disappear without anything productive coming out of them?

If the latter is true, see to making a schedule for a little while. You can tweak it and change the priority of task as you go until you have the perfect balance down.

Leadership and teamwork

Two things that on the surface do not seem to go hand-in-hand. However you can be a leader and a team player at the same time by striking a balance and identifying when what skill is needed. In some situations you will need to step up and take charge of the situation – just make sure that it is the appropriate thing to do. Other times you will need to get into line and do a good job without standing out very much for the greater good of the team; one doesn’t cancel the other out.

Interpersonal skills

Networking and building useful and rewarding relationships in the office can seem extremely daunting and near impossible. The importance of it is more clear when you have a project where you need help with a piece of the puzzle, you need a second opinion on something, or you just need a shoulder to lean on when your workload seems impossibly heavy.The key to this skill is to be very open to any opportunities that come before you. Go for that drink, attend that event, do that favor, have that cup of coffee with a colleague. With time you will have a nice network that you can use for most of your career.

Communication skills

Communication is arguably one of the most important skills you can have. It allows you negotiate your ideas through, solve problems between co-workers, present your ideas, and network as said above. With excellent communication skills you will be able to excel at any projects and collaborations you take on, making it an essential skill.